Signs Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

Signs Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

Children go through many changes during the early stage of their life. In the initial few years, they learn to babble, crawl, speak, and walk. However, at times, children do not develop their skills at the expected time. If your child is taking longer in developing speaking skills, it is quite normal and can be treated with the right speech therapy.

Here, in this post, we will discuss some surefire signs that will let you know when your child needs speech therapy. Continue reading to learn more.

Is Speech Therapy Appropriate for Your Little One?

Children who experience any kind of communication issue are referred to professionals specializing in speech therapy for toddlers. Such therapy works as an effective way to treat the condition. Opting for speech therapy right on time will enable you to fix any speech disorder in your child before they develop further.

Signs Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

All children do not develop their skills in the same way. While some progress at a faster pace, others take more time to show signs of development. However, in particular scenarios, specific signs are considered to be problems that require treating. Here are some primary signs that indicate your child needs speech therapy.

  • Your Child Stutters-Stuttering is the speech disorder in which your child fails to produce smooth sentences. This condition usually occurs when children start to create symmetric sentences at the age of 2 or 3. However, this is not always the scenario. Some children start to stutter at a later age as they start to grow. If you observe your little one experiencing such a condition, it is time to take him/her to a speech therapist in Kolkata and treat the condition before it develops further.
  • Your Child Says Only a Limited Number of Words-There is an approximate number of words that your child should say at a particular age. For instance, if your child is around a year and a half old, he/she can say over 20 words. On the other hand, if he/she is between 1.5 and 2 years old, they can say over 50 words. If the child says anything less than this estimated amount, it can be a reason for concern and you should take him/her to a speech therapist in Kolkata.
  • Your Child Fails to Articulate Specific Sounds-Articulation of sounds is one essential aspect of a child’s development process. If your toddler is not producing clear sounds, it is time to take him/her to a speech therapist in Kolkata. You will detect this issue by letting your child speak and observing how many words they use for producing sound. If your child uses a limited number of sounds for all words and omits many vowels and consonants, you should take this issue seriously. Take your child for effective speech therapy to treat this condition.
  • Your Child Becomes Quite in Social Situations-It is normal for your child to be shy at times. However, if they constantly remain quiet in social situations and fail to express themselves, you should consider opting for speech therapy for toddlers. This sign is not very concerning, however, this is also not something you should ignore. Being able to express themselves plays a vital role in your child’s personality development and social behavior.


The ability to speak fluently and smoothly should be developed in your child from an early age. Constantly monitor your child’s behavior to discover any speech disorders. However, do not be too concerned if you observe anything unusual. If you discover any of these above discussed conditions in your child, make sure to take him/her for speech therapy and prevent the condition from developing further.


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